890 ден2
Audiophiles rejoice! This vinyl brush is the simplest record cleaning solution to protect your record collection by eliminating surface dust from the record surface as you play. Our record brush features high-quality anti-static carbon fiber bristles.
During playback, holding these carbon fiber brush bristles over your vinyl record does more than get rid of the build up. This vinyl record brush removes dust particles from LP records, 10-inch, and 7-inch records by creating an anti-static discharge. Static electricity attracts dust to your records meaning that your hi-fi system will pick up pops and crackles as you listen, but a carbon fiber record brush avails you of that issue.
Rather than having to run a microfiber cloth, velvet brush, or wet cleaning solution, this is a quick and easy way to clean records when you plan to listen. Even a typical vinyl record cleaner without an anti-static record brush will leave your records holding a little bit of a static charge.
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