15.990 ден2
An audio friend once gave me advice about caring for A/V components. It was something to the effect that “electronics don’t like to be disturbed—just put them where you want them and leave them alone.” Sure, I get it. Anything filled with circuitry and bunches of delicate parts never likes to be bumped, jostled, dropped, or otherwise. Beyond that, however, we now understand that this “don’t touch” guidance applies on the micro-level, as well. Thus, today, the virtues of component isolation and stability have been well established. External or internal factors like acoustic resonances, airborne vibrations, or mechanisms such as CD transports or turntable motors can disturb the signal and are anathema to best performance. Think of it this way: Physically supporting an audio system is a little like building any structure—a room, a home. To the extent that its foundation is weak or substandard, everything that follows is going to be impacted negatively.
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